Conhort Branding

Noah Kelley
1 min readFeb 19, 2023

3 Names & Ideas

The part of a lowercase letter that extends above the meanline (x-height)
Graduating seniors have ascended through the ranks, difficulties and expectations thrown onto us. We have succeeded and rose up the ranks (years) to now receive our diplomas.

The strong constrast of lights and darks to achieve a sense of depth and volume.
Us seniors have had our bright and dark moments, getting through the ups and downs throughout the four years.

The idea that imperfections can make things perfect, appreciating beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.”
As designers, many of us tend to focus on the smallest of details and want our work to be perfect. Not only do we want a piece of work to look perfect but we also worry about not being the “perfect designer” and compare ourselves but need to realize our styles, designs and imperfections make us who we are.

